Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I hate resolutions

Especially ones designed for new years. At the end of the year you realize you've either forgotten the original resolution or you've attempted and failed, making the whole process disheartening. I sound cynical, don't I? Imagine that.
Anyway, I've been thinking that there are two things I need to change in my life and 2009 is as good a year as any to accomplish them.
1) I need to find a good sedation dentist. Both Matt and myself have had horrible, painful childhood memories of dentists who had no regard whatsoever for our comfort levels. This has made us absolutely petrified to start a relationship with a new one. However, I've located a couple of sedation dentistry offices here in town and thought I might as well go ahead and give one of them a shot(no pun intended). I am aware of having at least one cavity that needs to be removed and after all these years of neglect I'm certain it won't be easy to fill. Friends, I need your well-wishes because this year I resolve to actually step into and hopefully stay for more than 5 minutes in a dentist's office.
2) I need to get Miles out of the house more often. Now that the cold weather has set in walks in the park (something he LOVES to do) aren't really so much of an option. But I've discovered a Midsouth Mommies group that meets up about once a week. Sometimes it's a mall playground, sometimes someone's home, sometimes Chuck E Cheese. All of these are wonderful opportunities for Miles to meet other babies and also chances for me to bond with some new grown-ups. I've already booked Miles and myself for 4 playdates this month, including a potluck I'll be hosting at month's end.

2008 really, really sucked in many different ways for my family. My 2009 resolution is to have the courage to make this year really, really rock.

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