Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Betraying my generation

It's my blog so I can say this safely and without fear of reprimand: I am not an Obama-head. I didn't jump up and down screaming, "THANK YOU, OBAMA!!" this afternoon as he was sworn in yet had not completed a single presidential task at that time. In fact, I would have missed "the moment" altogether if Domino's pizza hadn't hijacked my phone number and called to give me a special deal, seeing as how I've never ordered Domino's in my entire life. But since they called me at exactly 11 o'clock this morning I got up just in time to see the loons in Washington do cartwheels once he put his hand on that bible.
Those of you who have known me for several years know that I am right leaning. What you may NOT know is that I have adopted several new beliefs over recent years. One of which renounces many of my traditional Republican viewpoints and adopts more controversial, radical ideals among them the firmly held notion that both parties have it wrong. Dead wrong. That's right - both Dem's and Repub's holding any political office are dishonest, conniving, whimpering con artists hellbent on taking as much money from the general American population while providing as little in return as possible. Do I sound jaded? Yeah, I probably do. Do I care? Nope. I've done too much reading about what really goes on behind closed doors in the White House to trust another president ever again - Obama included.
But if you want to know what really scares me here's the meat of the situation: I have a vague sense that Obama means what he says. He appears to be an idealist, someone who thinks that he can truly make a difference in the world. What exactly that difference is has never been defined and I find it amusing that people don't even care what that difference will be. They're just so happy to have someone liberal and of mixed race in office that nothing else matters. So you see, it's not Obama himself who really alarms me. After all, the president is little more than a puppet of which Congress controls the strings. What keeps me up at night is this: the absolute blind devotion of his followers. This guy is a bona fide rock star right now - he can do no wrong. He could rape a small child within the next month and the media would say, "Oh, well, no biggie. I mean we've ALL done that at some point or another." That kind of heedless reverence is truly disheartening.
It also means that horrible decisions will be overlooked simply because everyone "loves" him so much right now. PLEASE people remember that, at the very base level, Obama is a lifelong politician. This earns him a degree of untrustworthiness as well it should. He WILL lie to us during his presidential career over and over again - you can bet the farm on that. Because of this fact America's sudden infatuation with him alarms me. I feel as if Orwell's 1984 is coming to life and there is nothing I can do to stop this train from approaching.

Unlike the 53% of the population who voted for him I am, today, feeling dread and unease about the new administration. And the very fact that everyone else is elated magnifies my fears tenfold. In the meantime I can only hope for the best, but expect the worst.

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