Friday, April 10, 2009

6 Commonly Held Beliefs Among People Who Lack Common Sense

I love this article from Here's a sample of my favorite parts:

* The constitution is open to interpretation

I love this one. I’m going to employ the transitive law of logic here: If A then B. If B then C. Hence, If A then C.
Here’s A:
If the constitution is open to interpretation then of course, as we’ve seen, every administration will interpret it to their advantage.
Here’s B:
If every administration interprets the constitution differently then that means that it has many meanings.
Here’s C:
If the constitution has many meanings, then it is by definition, meaningless.
Our founding fathers based our entire government, our economic system, our monetary system, our national defense, our justice system, our civil rights on this document. It’s obvious they did not intend for it to be meaningless hence it is not open to interpretation.
Of course "interpretation" here means soulless, slick government lawyers and justices abusing and manipulating its meaning.

* We live in a free market economy and the lack of regulation by the government has caused the current economic recession

Free market: A free market is a market that is free of government intervention and regulation, besides the minimal function of maintaining the legal system and protecting property rights.
There is not a single market in this country that is not regulated or intervened on behalf of the state in the form of taxes, commissions, bureaus, regulatory committees, offices, departments etc…
Therefore, there is no lack of regulation nor free markets since all markets are regulated and therefore, our free market economy does not exist and so couldn’t possibly be the cause of our current economic recession.
A little research on the Internet will show one that prices in all markets are higher due to government regulation and inefficiency while we still have all the same problems we would have without it:
Even though we have the FDA we still have salmonella in food products.
Even though we have the FAA and the TSA we still have hijacked planes and plane crashes.
Even though we have the Department of Education we still have one of the world’s worst education systems.
And the list goes on. This argument is so tired and worn out it’s a sure way to demonstrate that you are in fact going through life fat, drunk and stupid.

* Time travel is possible

As much respect as I have for Albert Einstein, I have to disagree with him. Time travel is in fact not possible.
3.5 million years ago the entire continent of Africa was covered with tropical rain forests and our earliest ancestors were swinging from the treetops to get from place to place.
Then all of a sudden the craziest thing happened: the earth started to warm and the rain forests started to dry up and die. So our ancestors had to come down out of the tree tops and move along the ground to get from place to place.
In doing so, they realized that standing upright on two legs was faster and more efficient. Ladies and gentlemen I give you the earliest homo-sapiens.
It’s obvious that time travel is not possible because if it were, Al Gore and the other environmental nut-jobs would have gone back in time by now, reversed the global warming and saved the rain forests and we wouldn’t be here today.
Even sadder is that if we’re not here today then Al Gore wouldn’t be here today and there would be no Internet.

April 9, 2009
Don Cooper [send him mail] is a Florida native, Navy veteran and Oxford educated economist living and working in the Midwest.
Copyright © 2009 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

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