Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aww...Miles' first fever :(

Pic of the day: How Miles usually looks when awakening from a nap.

Our lil bit slept a LOT last night. From 5:30pm til 7:30am precisely! When he woke up he didn't appear to be sick but he certainly was not his happy, fun little self. He loves to play, smile and laugh at us and he didn't do any of those all morning long. He napped from 10 til 3 and when he woke up Matt noticed how warm he felt. Sure enough - he was running a small fever.
I called the nurse and she said Tylenol every 4 hours and to bring him in tomorrow morning if he wasn't better. My poor, sweet little boy. It just breaks our hearts to hear him whimpering pitifully while we're rocking him, snuggling him close and trying to calm him.
I know this happens to all babies eventually and that we're lucky it's taken almost 4 months before it's happened to us but it doesn't make it any easier once lightning strikes.
Naturally, we don't ask for prayer but we'd like our friends to keep us in their thoughts over the next couple of days.
Edited to add: As of the next morning my lil bit has awoken from a 12 hour sleep fresh, happy and fever-free. Hooray for Tylenol!!


Catherine said...

Awww, poor Miles! Glad to hear he's feeling better now. That photo is adorable!

Kim said...

Awww, puddin'! Sorry to hear that Miles has been ill. :(