We packed the diaper bag TIGHT full of virtually everything a baby could possibly need without bathroom access...except a hat. Right after we popped him into the Hotsling and started walking from the car I looked down and saw that bald, little head totally and completely exposed to the hot sun and suddenly remembered I had the perfect wide-brimmed hat at home someone had given us at our shower last year. Curses!! So we kept him either in the shade or in his car seat for most of the day.
I loved watching his reaction to all these things he was experiencing for the very first time: a large crowd, Zydeco bands, other kids and babies. Then there were smells from the corn dog stand, funnel cakes, grilled burgers and corn on the cob. He silently watched with huge, interested eyes while sucking on his fist and cuddling up against me in his sling. Speaking of the sling, I made a bet with Matt that we would be the only people in that entire crowd wearing one and I was right. In a wide open park a stroller is ideal but in tight, crowed quarters around drunk people a Hotsling was the best $30 we ever spent. And we got so many smiles, comments and questions while we were wearing it! I love being in "the parent club" and striking up conversations with strangers on the phases of infanthood. Being a mom rocks so much more than I ever expected.
Also, last night my best girlfriends K and Cheri (names slightly changed to protect the guilty) and I carpooled over to our newly prego girlfriend Cat's place to dump some loot on her. I had no idea before I became pregnant that something snaps in a new mom's head making her want to give away lots of the stuff she used when she was formerly pregnant that came in handy along with some things she knows the preggers girlfriend will need. During the move I sorted through every scrap of my clothing and came up with 2 boxes worth of maternity clothes, a bottle brush (whoever invented those gets a hug from me) and a whole bag of newborn diapers we never even used since our lil one grew so fast. The three of us talked, laughed and drank wine for hours as Cat sat quietly, sipping her water and listening to our stories. It must have been a lot for the poor girl to take in but Cheri and I have been "on the front lines" with one child each and have a lot to share as far as safe remedies for all ailments of pregnancy as well as birthing advice. Cheri had a VERY fast natural childbirth with no time for an epidural while I, of course, had a c-section with lots and lots of great medication. Depending on Cat's progression there's no telling what path she will end up taking. Hopefully, having good girlfriends around to impart their sageness helped her feel a bit more at ease. After all, it's a scary process and a first-timer has no idea what to expect. Cat, any time you have a question no matter how trivial or "gross" you might think it, please do NOT hesitate to call or email your "fairy godmothers" and we will be happy to oblige.