Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My mom is teh roxors. She just bought 3 tickets so that she, my husband and I can all attend the one and only Eddie Izzard show coming to town in June!!! We have been big fans of the tranny comedian for "many, many years" (heh, Eddie joke) and this is a dream come true to actually be seeing his stand-up live and in our hometown.
I expect we'll make a night of it by also going to dinner somewhere beforehand. Maybe our favorite Le Chardonnay? Ooo, and the more I think about it the more I'm creating a mental gameplan to try and get a whole BUNCH of friends (who also happen to be Izzard fans) together for a dinner before the show.
Cat, I know you and Bill are going. Anyone have any ideas? Suggestions? Cake or death?
UPDATE: Seems like Rio Loco is quite popular with the gang so I'm down wit dat. Never been there before, though. Where exactly are they located? Are they the most delish Mexican food in town? Killer margaritas? (Obviously we will have a sitter for this particular night.)


Catherine said...

Love the idea of meeting somewhere before the show. We're so excited about going.

I guess we have plenty of time to work out the details.

Do you know who else is going?

Carla said...

Ummm...cake please.

Bill said...

I say we should hit Rio Loco since they can handle a bigger group if we have one.


Anonymous said...

The Criders will also be attending