This morning at 4:58 I'm watching cable news while Matt is researching Joe Wilson and locating as much video as he can on the "great incident" when
BAM! Our power goes out. And stayed out for and hour and a half. A call put in to the MLGW hotline informs us that several blocks and up to 885 customers have been effected. We are also informed that everything should be up and running by exactly "7:03am". Yeeeeah, riiiiight.
Well Matt takes a walk around the block and informs me that even the Circle K is out of power! As this hardly ever happens I simply must get a look at this.
I feel my way down my very dark hallway, around the baby gate and into the kitchen. Once there I decide it's far too dark for me to find the doorknob to the back kitchen door, much less find my way down the short flight of stairs. I hear Matt telling me, "You kinda have to use the force to get around back here," and his words become my fate. I turn around to head back and find a candle when gravity decided it had other ideas.
Like a
COMPLETE AND TOTAL FOOL I momentarily forget the baby gate is even there and slam into it, where it slightly gives and lets me hit the floor knees first. I tried, unsuccessfully of course, to stop myself halfway down with my arms/hands and even managed to bust my lip a bit against the wall. Matt runs to my side asking if I'm all right but all I can do is laugh. Laugh because of the adrenaline. Laugh because of the absurdity. Laugh freakin' HURTS!! I manage to work a Tommy Boy quote in: "That's gonna leave a mark."
So for the rest of the weekend I will be walking stiffly and will be sporting huge black and purple bruises on both knees. If anyone asks I'll be telling them I was praying...really hard. ;)